The Dutch Defence Press website has been online for more than fifteen years. In all those years we have made our exclusive content available for free to the public. That gave us a loyal group of followers. Our brand is known and we are always very welcome at Dutch units. Be it at the barracks, on exercise or deployment.
After a period of relative calm we are now ready to go full throttle again and stand up to our reputation. Dutchdefencepress.com is the #1 website when it comes to information about, mostly, ground based Dutch units. We are not a news site. Our stories give an exclusive look into the work of our man and women in uniform. We aim to publish between two and four new, unique stories per month on the website. The major part will have our men and women in uniform as the main subject. Besides those it will be possible to show your company and products to a wide audience.
For us it is important to share our knowledge with as much people as possible. Be it a teenager who dreams of a job in the military, soldiers of all ranks who want to know what their colleagues are doing, journalists, politicians or just anyone who enjoys viewing our images. Each and every one should be able to have free access to our content. Not only on the website but also on our Social Media channels. And for this we need your help. Together we can continue this great, unique product that has a great track record.
Durable cooperation
Just like our cooperation with military units, we are seeking durable cooperation with our sponsors and advertisers. For this we have a whole package of possibilities that can perfectly meet your requirements. Of course you can just advertise with a banner to get your company and products in the spotlight. But we can offer so much more. Product highlights on the website for which we provide text and imagery. Attention on our Social media channels and a whole range of combinations to suite your needs.
Flexibility is important in this game. You don’t want the same banner for a longer period. You want to be able to adjust to the market and wishes from your customers without all the hassle and paying a lot of extra costs.
Online presence
As said before, we are not a news site. We don’t do new content daily. Even now several hundred unique visitors find our website. With new stories that can climb to several thousand a day. With almost 800 stories and nearly 10.000 photographs we are ranked pretty high with the search engines. This because of our very long presence on the Internet.
Besides the website we are pretty big on Social Media. Our Instagram has over 20.000 followers. Facebook is a good second with almost 11.000. Twitter and YouTube are growing.
You can always reach us to talk about how we can help you fulfill your marketing needs. Send us an email at info (@) dutchdefencepress.com
Website statistics

Banners: positions and sizes

For pricing please contact us via email: info (at) dutchdefencepress.com