industrie reportages
industrie reportages
industrie reportages
30ste editie NIDV dag
Op donderdag 15 november was de dertigste editie van het NIDV Symposium en Tentoonstelling, zoals het evenement officieel heet, in Ahoy Rotterdam. En zoals het vaker gaat bij jubilarissen was er hoog bezoek. Koning Willem-Alexander vereerde de NIDV, burgemeester Aboutaleb, de exposanten en de bezoekers met zijn aanwezigheid. Na zijn aankomst werd de koning op de hoogte gebracht over de Stichting Nederlandse Industrie voor Defensie en Veiligheid (NIDV). Op het symposium werd in aanwezigheid van de koning de Jan Gmelich Meijling...
industrie reportages
Defenture VECTOR, a wolf in sheep's clothing
An encounter between the Dutch army commander and a Dutch motocross legend some years ago led to the most amazing story in acquisition and development in Dutch military history. Never before a contract was awarded to a company that did not exist at that time for a vehicle that was not even on the drawing board. Why? The pedigree of the owner and the people around him, a strong concept and guts. The company? Defenture. The vehicle, the VECTOR. The user? Dutch special operations forces. Rally Motocross legend and Dakar participant...
industrie reportages
IWA 2015
IWA OutdoorClassics - the world-leading fair for Hunting Guns and Outdoor Equipment. That is how they call it, but in recent years the show in Neurenberg, Germany has seen a steady rise in law enforcement and tactical product on display. The rise had been so big that a few years ago the organizers decided to group as much LE and tactical stands in one hall. A great decision for visitors who don't want to wade past hunting clothes and antler stands.The scale of this trade show is pretty big with a total of 1383 exhibitors from around the...Holmatro Special Tactics Line
In between our editorial work we do for this website and magazines, we occasionally do some commercial work. All small scale and not really worth mentioning. But when some months ago we got a call if we were interested in doing film and photography for Holmatro's new Special tactics line, we were on our biggest commercial adventure so far.Holmatro is the world wide leader in hydraulic rescue equipment and would be launching a new line of equipment aimed at law enforcement and the military. Our friends at Safe Tactics who are the...
industrie reportages
CV9035 Mk-III (NL), Evolution, rather than revolution
The Swedish, by Land Systems Hägglunds developed, CV9035 Mk-III Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) is chosen to be the new war-chariot of the Royal Netherlands Army (RNLA) mechanized infantry force. On Friday 29 October 2004 Dutch Parliament was informed about this decision by Cees van der Knaap, State-Secretary of Defence. After redistributing and relocating its operational units the RNLA will consist of two rather than three mechanised brigades (Mechbrigs), in addition to the 11 Air Mobile brigade (Air Assault). Although, by establishing...
industrie reportages
Puma, een klasse apart
In september 2002 is in Duitsland de weg vrijgemaakt voor de ontwikkeling van de Puma. Dit is een compleet nieuw Infanterie Gevechtsvoertuig (IGV). Al is de kop van dit ambitieuze project er nog maar net af, onze oosterburen zijn zeker van hun zaak. De Puma is dé ideale opvolger van hun, op leeftijd geraakte, Marder 1 A3. Ook Nederland richt haar pijlen, onder andere, op deze Puma. Vooral gelet op de nauwe samenwerking met Duitsland (o.a. het gezamenlijke legerkorps) en andere pragmatische redenen is het logisch dat dit project wordt...
industrie reportages
CV9035 Mk-III looks ‘AHEAD’ for the Netherlands
By redistributing and relocating its operational units the Royal Netherlands Army (RNLA) will consists of two rather than three mechanised brigades (Mechbrigs), in addition to the 11 Air Mobile brigade (Air Assault). Although, by adding an extra armoured infantry battalion the combat strength and readiness capability (‘more teeth to tail’) of the two remaining (13 and 43) Mechbrigs out of the original three will even be strengthened. After upgrading its remaining 110 Leopard 2 A5-NL MBT’s to the A6-NL the RNLA is now running a...
industrie reportages