defensie reportages
defensie reportages
defensie reportages
Exercise “Low Lands 2000”
KCT tightens its contacts with the International Special Operation Forces community. An exercise like Low Lands has a history. It’s the result of an idea from several NATO countries that owned Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP) units. They decided during the late Sixties, to organise in turns once every two year an international LRRP exercise, these were for example: in France / Eugenie, Germany / Schinderhannes, Belgium / Pegasus, Denmark / Viking and in the UK / Tristar. During the Nineties, many of these NATO...
defensie reportages
Royal Netherlands Navy "Dutch pride at sea"
Since time immemorial, the Netherlands has been a sea-faring nation with a strong dependence on the sea. Traditionally, therefore, the Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) sailed throughout the world to safeguard Dutch interests. In the current security situation, the demand for naval assets for deployment in crisis management operations is even greater than ever before. 'Gulf Defence Magazine' offers you a glimpse of what sort of Navy the Netherlands will require and how that translates into specific ships, aircraft and submarines. More than...
defensie reportages